
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Facts about Canada

Kumusta bloggers i am back!

Today i will be showing you guys some facts about Canada here is one. In 2012 in Canada there were a population of 35 million people in Canada.Canada features the longest coastline in the world stretching 202080 kilometres.

Did you know Canada has over 30000 lakes WOW that's very cool that means they have a lot of trouts and catfish, salmon, and some catfish are 3 metres,

Thanks for reading Bye and have a great day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ni Hao Raden,
    my name is Cia. I am a summer learning journey blogger who will be working with you over the summer break.

    I liked the the facts you shared about Canada, I think it's amazing that Canada has 30,000 lakes. Also yes, you are right! They would have a lot fish in those waters.

    Had you thought about what other species could be found in those 30,000 lakes? I'm sure there are plenty of other species that live among the trout, salmon and catfish. Maybe you could include those kinds of facts next time.

    I am amazed that Canada has the longest coastline in the world. Do you know which country has the second longest coastline in the world and how long it is?

    I remember when I went to Samoa, I thought the coastlines were pretty long, but wow 202, 080 kilometres is pretty hard to compete with.

    Awesome start to the Summer Learning Journey Raden, I can't wait to read more of your posts over the summer.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i ('see you again' in Samoan),



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