
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kia toa performance

 And welcome to my blog post

Today we met Bernard Mangakahia. He read a story of being resilient.Also today was my lucky day because i saw him and he was resilient.First he teached us how to be resilient.He read a story of being resilient.Also he said that his great grampa said i wanna come with you to clime up that mountain. Pat said pat so he said yes.But pat only had one leg.He said that his great grampa named Pat climed the tallest mountain in Africa with him and his wife.Pat had one leg because he was cooking for his son and suddenly the pot splashed at his leg and burned it.Pat went to the shed and said i need to go to the hospital immediately.Pat went in the car with his wife and child to the hospital.Suddenly he died.So they were in the hospital.Also they put plasma blood after 1 hour he woke up.And Bernanrd said that he saw a guy with a fire stick spinning it.So he said can i have a turn.But he said no because it is to dangerous for you kid. So Bernard said to us he made one and practised for 8 years.Thats the only time i have for.

Thank you for reading my extraordinary work.Feel free to comment on my blog.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Starting term two with a roll

Kumusta and welcome back to term two.

I learnt about putting on gear for skateboarding.First there was knee pads.Next elbow pads.Finally wrist pads. Also a penny skateboard.First the instructor named Aiden and Mikayla said go on this line and put your heels at the side of the skate board.And then push but do not put two feet on the skate board.Only put the foot that you want to push with on the ground and the other foot on the two screw drivers and only two in front of you.After that Aiden said sit on the semi circle and take off your helmet.put it on the ground and the big space inside has to be pointing up.Next take of your wrist pads and tie one up and the other not tied up.And put the one that didn't tie up on the ground and put the other one it and tie the one that didn't around the other one.One more thing do it to the rest of your gear.